Conditions BF17
This applies after you have passed the driving test.
So you can enjoy your new freedom too: In this article you will learn what to look out for after passing your driving test, how to endanger your driving licence and how to make the transition to a category B driving licence.
Never without a companion
Zero alcohol level
No drugs
#1 Never without a companion
The most important condition for a driving licence at 17 is that an accompanying person sits in the car. This must be entered in the examination certificate and you must sit in the car every time you drive before your 18th birthday.
If you are driving without an accompanying person, you may be fined and sentenced to imprisonment for up to one year according to § 21 of the Road Traffic Act, because driving without an accompanying person is classified as "driving without a driving licence". According to the catalogue of fines, a fine of 70 euros and one point is most likely. Besides, the Driving Authorities are revoking your license.
Only when you have attended an advanced seminar for beginners will your driver's license be valid again at 17. There are similar consequences if you drive alone and have an accident. An overview of the consequences can also be found in the catalogue of fines.
#2 Zero alcohol level - zero tolerance
For you as a beginner driver, don't drink and drive. The zeropromille limit must be strictly adhered to, especially for young drivers. There is no leeway and no tolerance here. If you are caught with alcohol in your blood, you will face a severe punishment, e.g. in the form of a special advanced course for beginners, which is associated with considerable costs.
Your companion must also be careful. The legislator has stipulated that the accompanying person may not have more than 0.5 per mille alcohol in their blood in order to fulfil their duties as an accompanying person.
If the value exceeds the limit of 0.5 per mille, the following can happen:
- Your companion must expect a fine.
- Your companion is removed from the examination certificate and is no longer available to you.
- You must reckon with the same penalties as if you had driven without an accompanying person, because the legislator assumes that a person with more than 0.5 per mille in their blood can no longer advise you as a beginner driver.
# 3 No drugs and other narcotics
Also drugs and other narcotics are taboo for you and your companion. The offence is considered similar to drunk driving. You will face similar penalties and the withdrawal of your examination certificate.
Exchange to category B
This is how a 17-year-old driver's license becomes your regular class B driver's license.
The transition period for your 17-month driving licence is 3 months. The examination certificate is still valid after your 18th birthday. It shall then be deemed to have expired. If you still get behind the wheel, you will be driving without a valid driver's license and will have to face the consequences.

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