Germany's great quality driving school search!

Find your driving school

It's that simple

  1. Enter your address or your current location.
  2. Find the driving school that suits you best.
  3. Send a non-binding inquiry with one click.
  • Your driving school search with high standard.
  • Find the right driving school near you quickly and easily.
  • Send your request directly & free of charge.

Fahrschule-123 is the portal for your driving licence 

Using the Germany-wide driving school search you can quickly and easily find the driving school in your area that suits you best. You can refine your search using filters and add driving schools to your watch list. With one click you can get in touch directly and send a free request. 

Under categories of driving licence you will find all important information about the different categories of driving licence. From class B for cars to truck, bus, motorbike and the special driving classes

You want to know what to expect at your driving school? Click your way through the "driving licence training". For your life as a new driver, we have summarized many interesting facts in the Blog and in the category "After training" .

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Find your quality driving school on fahrschule-123